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GCHB CH Sylvan Myst Suns Out Buns Out at PreVi FDC
Multiple Group Placing
Multiple Owner Handled Group Placing
Owner Handled Group Winning
Owner Handled Reserve Best in Show
Bali finished quickly with three 5 point majors, and a 3 point major. The same weekend she finished her championship, she went on to win three majors towards her grand for a total of 12 points.
Sire: GCH CH Musicbox Heartbeat Turnaround "Turner"
Dam: GCH GCH Sylvan Myst Kefira Of Valor "Cricket"
Birthday: 03/08/2021
Date of Death: 08/01/2022
Cause of Death: Was playing in the yard and ran into the diving board head first, died instantly.
Color: Black and Silver
Health Testing
Eyes: Normal
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