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Current Events
​October 2023 in Macungie, PA - Doja went Best of Breed over specials to finish her championship.
September 2023 in Lexington, KY - Jupiter took Winners Bitch for two five point majors to finish her championship, she finished at the Specialty on Saturday. Doja Cat took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Breed Owner Handled, and Best Bred By for a 5 point major. Kaylee took Winners Bitch for a 5 point major. Lizzo took Winners Bitch for 2 points to finish her championship. Randi took Best of Opposite twice for two 5 point majors.
July 2023 in Huntington, WV - Swagger went Winners Dog and Best of Winners for two 3 point majors to finish his championship. Doja Cat went Winners Bitch for two 3 point majors. Randi went Best of Breed both days and won a regular Group 4 on Saturday.
July 2023 in Vandergrift, PA - Roxie went Winners Bitch for a 3 point major to finish her championship. Swagger went Best of Winners both days for two 3 point majors. Randi went Best of Breed on Sunday.
June 2023 in Vallejo, CA - Lizzo won two 5 point majors going Winners Bitch at the supported, and Best of Winners, Best Puppy, and Best Bred By at the Regional Specialty. Swagger went Winners Dog and Best Puppy at the National Specialty for a 5 point major. Korbel won Best of Breed in a lineup of over 50 dogs the first day, then went on to win Reserve Best in Show and received an Award of Merit at the National. Randi won Select Bitch at the Regional and an Award of Merit at the National.
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